Suites info
All suites come completely furnished with everything need to start your business. Lessee will have sole access to the suite. No sharing with other groomers unless you choose to do so.
The cost for your suite will vary from location to location but usually start out at $1700 per month.
Minimum lease is for one year. We offer one to three year leases. The longer you sign your lease, the longer your lock your rate in.
Your suite will include
Grooming Table
Drying table
Grooming tub
Access to washer and Dryer
Grooming Suites of America
Grow Your Brand
Your basic suite will look similar to this
What you need to bring
Your own tools
Business License
Business Insurance
Credit Card Processing
We will help you for the info you need to get you on your way.
Lets do a quick cost break down
Groomer can groom 6 dogs a day.
An average cost to groom is $70 (however you decide the prices)
You work 5 days a week (you choose the days and hours)
50 weeks a year (not 52, everyone needs a vacation)
The math
6x70= $420 per day (not including tips)
$420x5=$2100 per week
50x $2100= $105,000
Total $105,000 per year in gross earnings (without tips)
Lets add $80 per day in tips
$80x 5 days x 50 weeks is $20,000.
Your potential earnings with tips $125,000
Now you will have expenses
We'll use $2500 per month for rent, shampoo, tools etc;(yours could be more)
12x $2500= $30,000
Total gross $125,000-Expenses $30,000 nets you $95,000
These are hypothetical you results may be better or worse